Environmental Solutions
Casella is a global leader in the manufacture and supply of occupational hygiene and environmental monitoring equipment. Casella is dedicated to reducing occupational and environmental health risks through effective monitoring solutions. Casella offers smart and easy-to-use solutions for monitoring noise, dust, and vibration. Casella's continuing innovation and training support ensure the next generation has the latest technology and expertise to aid health risk measurement.
Swiss Environmental Solutions is an exclusive distributor of Casella industrial hygiene and environmental monitoring equipment for Switzerland.
Air Sampling
Air sampling is used to measure an individual’s exposure to a harmful substance in the air such as dust and vapors, which is then compared to an exposure limit. Personal air sampling pumps are used with sampling accessories and media (filters and tubes) to collect the substance, which can then be sent to a laboratory for analysis. This will then give an 8-hour exposure value. Real-time dust monitors are also available to give instantaneous dust levels, which will show when exposure occurred and a dust level in real-time.
Real-time dust monitors / https://www.casellasolutions.com/categories/subnav/boundarymonitoring/dustdetective.html Personal sampling pumps / https://www.casellasolutions.com/uk/en/products/by-application/air-sampling/instruments/pumps.html Environmental units / https://www.casellasolutions.com/uk/en/products/weatherproof-kit-case-for-standard-items.html